
Place Value - Numeration ?

PLACE VALUE:- We know that the value of a digit is the product of the digit and the value of the place. Let us write a number using . The number name for 55,555 is  'Fifty- Five thousand five hundred fifty- five'.   We can represent 55555 in the place value chart as follows:- Thousands period   Ones Period Ten thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones e d c b a 5 5 5 5 5   The place value of '5' in column 'e' is 5 ten thousands = 5*10000= 50,000 The place value of '5' in column 'd' is 5 thousands = 5*1000= 5,000 The place value of '5' in column 'c' is 5 hundreds = 5*100= 500 The place value of '5' in column 'b' is 5 tens = 5*10= 50 The place value of '5' in column 'a' is 5 ones= 5*1= 5 How many times is the place valu...