Place Value - Numeration ?
Thousands period |
Ones Period |
Ten thousands |
Thousands |
Hundreds |
Tens |
Ones |
e |
d |
c |
b |
a |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
The place value of '5' in column 'e' is 5
ten thousands = 5*10000= 50,000
The place value of '5' in column 'd' is 5
thousands = 5*1000= 5,000
The place value of '5' in column 'c' is 5
hundreds = 5*100= 500
The place value of '5' in column 'b' is 5
tens = 5*10= 50
The place value of '5' in column 'a' is 5
ones= 5*1= 5
How many times is the place value of the number represented by '5' in column 'e' as bigger as the place value of the number represented by '5' in column 'd'
Ans:- 10 times
The '5' in column 'd' stands for a number 10 times the number represented by the '5' in column 'c'.
The '5' in column 'c' stands for a number 10 times the number represented by the '5' in column 'b'.
Hence, a number 5 in one column stands for a number 10 times as big as the number itself if it were placed in the column to the right of it.
The chart given below illustrates this point and will help us understand the above concept better.
Lets solve these two examples:-
Example 1:-
Which digit is in the tens thousand place in the following numbers?
(a) 5,279
(b) 65,817
(c) 80,020
(d) 78,956
Example 2:-
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